The Happiness Project

February 15, 2009

Vancouver: Is it spring yet?

It seems that I've been waiting forever for a taste of spring... and we got one today! It was so gorgeous that my roommate Solen and I could actually go for a bike ride around our neighborhood. Now, hopefully it'll stay this nice for the next few days. This week is reading week, and besides a trip to Whistler thursday with Colin, not much is going on except working. Dates to turn in my MA essay and for my MA exam have been scheduled (April 10/23) and so the work begins. I also have quite a few things to do besides that to graduate, but hopefully it will (and I'm sure it will) all work out. Busy busy! I've been cooking a lot lately- for Valentine's Day Colin and I made a delicious Butter Chicken- I've got the recipe if anyone is interested! :)