The Happiness Project

March 24, 2009

Vancouver: Der arme Heinrich

Below are a few words I had to look up today while studying for the Medieval section of my reading list. A lot of the stories have to do with King Arthur, although the story these words come from are not related to Arthur. (below is a picture of the original story)
This particular story (which I really enjoy) is called Der Arme Heinrich (Poor Heinrich) about a nobleman who is struck with leprosy by God (nobody knows whether it's a test or a punishment) and the only cure is the "heart blood" of a willing virgin. Hopeless, Heinrich sells all his belongings and moves to one of his outlying farms. There he meets the young (unnamed) daughter of his steward, who becomes his companion. Three years later, he tells her of the cure for his leprosy and she decides to sacrifice herself for him (because she thinks this is her opportunity to ensure her salvation). She convinces her parents and Heinrich (the leper) it's a good idea (her talk is described as inspired by the holy ghost). She and Heinrich travel to Solarno, where the Dr. tries to talk the girl out of the operation. Just as he’s about to cut, Heinrich peeks through the door, sees her naked, beautiful body strapped to the cold operation table, and yells to stop in the last second. Through comparision between her beauty and his deformed body, he recognizes the monstrosity of decision. Through this inner change of heart he accepts God’s Will. The girl loses composure, curses Heinrich for not letting her die and not wanting her to get to eternal life. After traveling home together, the two decide to marry, Heinrich regains his earlier status and the two enjoy eternal bliss. 

Mensch Meier! Jeepers Creepers!  

sich mit etwas abfinden to accept or come to terms with something

schmählen taunt or abuse

die Fassung balance or composure

die Genesung recovery

der Aussatz leprosy 

entstellt deformed

die Fügung stroke of fate, fortune

March 22, 2009

Vancouver: One more month...

Only one more month until the (so-far) biggest day of my academic career: a 2 hour face off with 3 of my professors, testing me on a 50-book list of works I've "read". Getting a little nervous! Teaching is still going well [here's a picture of my classroom- got lucky there! What a great view] On top of that, I have a big presentation coming up- in front of the whole department! I'm talking about the quality of German Television and a film entitled Free Rainer- the same topic as my Masters Essay. I've decided it'd be a good idea to serve popcorn. At the last colloquium there wasn't any food and I think it might make people less eager to listen carefully. But I'm sure it'll all go fine and be over with before I know it, and I'll end up with a little piece of paper telling people I've worked my bum off for 2 years. ;o) 

But it's hasn't all been studying- although most of it has. 3 weeks ago we all went ice skating together [There's me and Colin taking a break] and 2 weeks ago we had  a marvelous 9 course meal at my friend's place downtown. He lives on the 32 floor of a building on the beach, so we spent a lot of time on his balcony seeing the sights. But, Oh, what a meal! Everyone brought a main and a dessert and wine pairings for all. I didn't get to drink too much since I was presenting a paper at a conference the next day, but that's ok, 
everything tasted so good! [Here's a picture of me and Susanne at Mads' place for our Seafood Extravaganza!] Since it's almost spring here (although it did snow last weekend) I've been trying to buy tulips as often as possible. They are so cheap (only 2.99 for a bunch) and they're one of my favorite flowers (besides Hydrangeas and Daphne) so I like to spruce up my house with them. Especially if I have to be inside studying all the time. I've also found it easy to take "baking breaks" to bake something tasty while studying. Last week I made brownies for Colin and I think I'll make him some cookies too. :o) It gives me something to break up the studying with and I also get to make Colin happy! Speaking of making happy- he made me the best dinner last night- Salmon and shrimp pasta. Yum. Luckily there were some leftovers, so I get to have them again today. 

I hear back from Fulbright next month as to where I'll be placed to teach english in Austria. Everyone cross your fingers for Vienna!!!